Thursday, February 26, 2015

Miss Chris & Miss Randi's Language Lesson - Week of 2/23/15

This week in Miss Chris and Miss Randi's room we read the book
"A House for Hermit Crab" by Eric Carle!

As we read the book, each child had an opportunity to find a sea object/animal that was in the book and place it on or near the hermit crab's shell.  The children had to locate the object/animal and follow the directions (i.e.: Find the sea anemone and put it on the top of the shell.).

Throughout the reading of the book, the children were asked to define various words.
Some of the words included: snug, plain, frightening, fierce, gingerly, protect, and re-arrange.
Asking your child what a word means, then reading the sentence is a wonderful way to build vocabulary.

Miss Diane

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Miss Chris and Miss Randi's Language Lesson - Week of 2/10/15

Today in Miss Randi's and Miss Chris's rooms, Miss Diane the SLP did a lesson on woodland animal sounds and forest sounds.  We looked at pictures of the forest (stream, falling tree) and the animals (chipmunk, raccoon, bear, owl, etc.) and talked about them.  Then Miss Diane played a CD with all the sounds on it.  For each sound we identified who or what made the sound.  Then we compared the animals by size (i.e.: Is the bear bigger or smaller than the chipmunk?).  Talk about the different sounds you hear in your neighborhood when you go for a walk with your child.

Miss Diane