Monday, December 18, 2017

December - Don & Audrey Wood


This month we have been working on our unit on authors and illustrators with a focus on Don and Audrey Wood.

The books we have been using:   Red Ripe Strawberry and the Big Hungry Bear; The Napping House;  Piggies;  and Silly Sally.

The children will learn the definitions of “author” and “illustrator”, and that books are read from left to right.    Teachers will discuss the front and back covers, pages, and words on a page.  Children will be asked to look at the illustrations and describe what is happening, and predict what might happen next.

Language activities:  

For The Red Ripe Strawberry, we created seven different cards pictures from the book, and duplicated them. Children will receive a picture each, and then will try to find the peer who has their match. They will be asked to describe what the mouse might be feeling, as his emotions are very well illustrated in this book. The children can then use the cards to play a memory matching game.

For The Napping House,  we placed pictures of all the characters in the book on blocks.  As we read the book, we stacked the blocks.  In the end, we knocked the blocks down.  We counted the blocks, named each character, and talked about placing the block on and knocking then down.   We also worked on linguistic concepts as each character in the story becomes smaller than the previous on.   While stacking the blocks, we talked about putting on top, and asked who was under. We also used the pictures on the blocks and talked about big/small and bigger/smaller.

For Piggies we made a picture of two hands.  On the end of each finger is a piece of velcro to place piggies.  Each child picked a question/task card that had a question and picture choices.  If they answered correctly they picked a pig and placed on the end of one finger.  Some questions included, “Show me two piggies”; “Which piggie in not dirty?”;  Show me the piggie who is clean.”

Miss Linda and Miss Diane