Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 13, 2018 My Community Unit

Image result for community helpers clipart

Our Community

This month we are learning about Our Community (the town of Franklin).  We started with Places In Our Community and now we are going to learn about People in Our Community.  

We start the lesson by talking about the vocabulary words for the week.  Vocabulary words this week include: doctor, firefighter, librarian, mail carrier, police officer,work, and workers.  We look at pictures and define the word.  I often use questions to facilitate words associated with the vocabulary word we are trying to define.  Then we try to connect the word to the children's lives.

For the activity, the children look at case files that contain clues to who the community helper is.  For example, if the answer is Police Officer, we turn over clues one at a time.  Clues include: police hat, police car, handcuffs.  Then the children guess who the community helper could be.

Miss Diane
Speech-Language Pathologist

Monday, November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018 - My Community Unit

My Community

This week we have started a new unit which focuses on Community.  This unit will include places, people, vehicles, and recycling.

The first unit we are talking about is places we go.  We  began the lesson by talking about the target vocabulary, which includes:
apartment, block, building, community,
firehouse/fire station, hospital, library and neighborhood.

For our activity, I made a map without buildings.  I then found real photos of buildings around the town of Franklin (library, post office, fire station, etc.) and printed them out.  We used the photos of the familiar buildings to place around the map.

 Each child had the opportunity to roll a large dice.  On the dice when clues to each building (i.e.: "This building in our community has books that we can read and borrow." - library;  "This building is where we go to learn.  It has teachers and students." - school/ECDC)

If the child was able to name the building/place, they found the picture and placed it on the map wherever they wanted.  If the child needed assistance, they were given a choice of 2 pictures, then placed it on the map.

Miss Diane
Speech-Language Pathologist

Friday, November 2, 2018

October 29, 2018 - My Familly

My Family

Related image

This week in language group, we finished up our unit on FAMILY.  We reviewed the vocabulary for the week, which included: tradition,, special, respect, alike, similar, and different.  For our activity everyone picked a picture of a person (boy/girl).  Each person looked different, but we sorted by what was similar.  Some of the characteristics we used were: bald, brown, hair, blonde hair, glasses, long hair, short hair.  Then we sorted ourselves by boy/girl, pants color, sneakers/boots, and glasses.  We focused on how we are alike.

Miss Diane
Speech-Language Pathologist