Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Language Group - Week of October 10, 2017


This week we are starting the Farm unit!
We began by the children sharing what they know about the FARM!
We asked the children, what is a farm?  What animals live on a farm?
What things happen on a farm?  Who works on a farm?
The children were encouraged to share their thoughts within the group.

We read the book "Barnyard Banter" by Denise Flemming

The book shows a variety of animals that are on a farm, along with their animal noises.  However, in the background of each page there is a goose chasing a butterfly.  The children looked for the goose on each page and on the last page the butterfly fly up high and got away.
Image result for barnyard banter
Some of the vocabulary we talked about included: pasture, hayloft, rafters, and grain.

For our activity, I placed a large picture of a barn with animals velcroed outside.  Each child was asked a question related to the topic.  Some examples include:  Do pigs gallop?  Does a dog lay eggs?  Do dogs say baaa?  Do we get wool from sheep?  Can dogs fly?

If the child answered the question correctly, they were able to place an animal in the barn.  If the answer was not correct, they placed a raindrop in the sky.  The object was to try and get all the animals in the barn so they did not get wet from the rain.

This activity worked on:
1.  attending to the book
2.  picture identification and animal sound identification
3.  vocabulary related to farm and farm animals
4.  answering yes/no and what questions
5.  answering informational questions about the farm

Things you can do at home include:
1.  sing 'Old MacDonald had a farm'
2.  try to go to  a farm
3.  try online farm games

*search for other online games!

Miss Diane and Miss Linda

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