Monday, October 15, 2018

October 15, 2018 - My Family Unit

My Family

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This week in language group we read the book "My Day From A to Z" by F. Isabel Campoy.  This book goes through the alphabet to describe what happends during a day.
"A - awake;  Good morning!  Are you awake?" asks mom.
B - bathroom;  I go to the bathroom to wash my face.
C - cereal;  I have cereal with fruit for breakfast."

For our activity, the children were presented with a picture of a house, with the rooms 
showing inside.

We looked at pictures of people performing various activities in the house and had to decide what room it went in.  For example, if a child picked the picture of the man cooking, he/she decided what room that a dad would cook in.  Other examples include: eating, taking a bath, watching tv, playing with toys, etc.

This activity worked on:
  1. attending to the book
  2. letters in the alphabet
  3. the names of rooms in a house (bedroom, kitchen, etc)
  4. vocabulary related to actions (cooking, washing, etc)
  5. labeling actions

Miss Diane

Speech-Language Pathologist

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