Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Miss Chris & Miss Randi's Language Lesson - Week of 3/23/15

This week in Language Group we continued with our author study of Eric Carle by reading the book "The Mixed Up Chameleon."  We started by talking about what a chameleon is and what is different about it.  The word 'camouflage' came up and the children had some very wonderful thoughts on the definition.  We decided it meant to hide.  I made some clear chameleons and we started by placing the clear chameleon on different papers.

We then read the book.  In the book, the chameleon sees a variety of animals at the zoo and wants to have different parts of each animal.  As we read the book, we built the chameleon as it was in the book.

Once we finished the book, 4 chameleons were hidden in the classroom.  They were camouflaged!  The children looked all over the room for the chameleons and we talked about their color change and the patterns.

Miss Diane

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